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About Us

Our Story

At the end of 2018 and after an unsuccessful year of IVF trials, we were told biological children were not in our future. We decided to take 2019 to grieve and process our future. During that time we investigated both adopting and fostering children. We decided that if we adopted, we would likely only adopt one or two children, meaning we would only help one or two children. But if we fostered, we could help an unlimited number of children and have a family larger than we ever imagined.


We became licensed foster parents in 2021 and accepted our first placement 6 days later, a brother (age 4) and sister (age 6). After 27 months, we celebrated their graduation from foster care to their new forever home! The children are now 7 and almost 9 and thriving in their new home. Of course, Jason made sure to imprint the pro wrestling world on them before they left!


But our work doesn’t stop there. Amy is a middle school principal, and Jason works in the Foundation at Akron Children’s Hospital. As you can see, a big part of our life is focused on helping children.


Why Wrestling?

Jason’s earliest memories as a kid are watching pro wrestling with his dad. And watching wrestling was the last thing Jason did with his dad before his passing in 2018. In a lot of ways, wrestling helped them build their relationship. 


As a result of Jason’s personal connection to wrestling and his professional work in philanthropy, he began to realize and appreciate how much the world of pro wrestling does for children. 


Jason began partnering with AIW in Cleveland, OH to bring a wrestling show to Wadsworth, OH, where Jason and Amy live. Seeing the joy on children’s faces was a reminder of the power of pro wrestling. 


WWE helped establish and promote Connor’s Cure, a pediatric cancer research fund. 


John Cena holds the record for most Make-A-Wishes granted. 


And in our view, these things should be CELEBRATED!



How You Can Help

For starters, you can take part in our challenge and post a fun and uplifting video showcasing your inner wrestling superstar using #championchildrenchallenge. 


You could also consider making a donation to a children’s hospital, foster or adoption agency, or one of the many other charities that serve our children in need. Be sure to make your donation in honor of the Champion Children Challenge so we can track the movement’s success!


Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we feel the world could be just a little more positive, especially for our children.


The reality is adults are role models for children, whether we like it or not. Children see and emulate our behavior. And when that behavior is negative, then the children are learning negative behaviors. 


Our children are watching. They see our fighting. Our name calling. Our inability to remain civil and have intellectual discourse.  


And they are learning this behavior. 


So let’s set a positive example as we focus on our future.


Be A Fighter,
Be A Champion

Help CHAMPION CHILDREN by flooding social media with positive videos

showcasing your inner wrestling superstar.


Our Aim


Empower kids

Promote Positivity


Raise Awareness


Champion Children

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